Reignite passion and intimacy

Transform self-doubt into confidence

Achieve ecstatic, fulfilling orgasms


audacity & desire is a group spell

your energy


my energy


the collective group energy

All focused on one SPECIFIC intention:

Awaken your sexuality & claim the audacity to live into your highest pleasure, power & purpose.

✨Receive the tools, language and social support to finally be true to your expression of pleasure

✨Become a fully orgasmic, awakened, sexual human

Be guided in recognizing deep emotions that live underneath the surface of your body and psyche.

Most say this is more effective than any form of talk therapy, yoga, meditation or plant medicine that they’ve tried

✨End the decades of living in limbo in “trying to be” something other than who you truly are. Taste your wholeness through these practices.

Shame freeing, energy awakening, and soul nourishing

You came here to live an ecstatic, soulful life

You want to lay on your deathbed in peace knowing that you left it all on the table…

using every last drop of your life force energy to create, love, adventure, fuck, give, receive, and be brave…

You’ve landed on this page because your soul knows the key to your desires is through the most profound sexual awakening

Audacity & Desire offers a proven methodology and the structured support needed for you to

ADVANCE your journey toward

exquisite sex,

liberated self expression,

and fulfilling relationships

with more than just "how-tos" and sex tips

the pleasure pathway to living an audacious life includes:

Pleasurable Breathwork

Enhance your pleasure, have fulfilling sex and breathe yourself into mind-blowing orgasm


Explore powerful techniques that activate deeper layers of your mind and body, allowing for profound release of old wounds, so that you can experience liberated self-expression in the bedroom and life


Use sacred rituals as a portal to reveal the fullness and majesty of who you truly are


Utilize this unique form of self-exploration to expand your orgasmic capacity to have full-body orgasms, discover your turn on, regenerate your energy, and love your body as a temple of magic

It’s audacious to reclaim your pleasure & sexuality in a society with centuries-long history of sexual repression and negative conditioning.

We're taught that...

  • we're unsafe in our sexuality

  • we need to repress our sexuality to be "good girls"

  • or go over the top to be like porn stars

I’ll let you in on a key truth…

Living in deep states of pleasure requires your nervous system to relax and allow that reality. Through self pleasure practices - yes, pleasure is a practice! - you can absolutely learn the skills needed to access and maintain higher levels of pleasure.

This isn’t another thing to overload your mind or another thing on your list to DO.

This is an exquisitely curated space where you are safely guided to fully receive and pour back into you, unlocking self-love, energy, healing, pleasure & power

then what happens??

You develop the audacity to ask for & go after what you truly desire—in the bedroom, in your career, and beyond 🚀

your sexual energy is your creative energy

it has the power to birth new ideas, artistry, healing, emotional, ecstatic + sensuous states, something out of nothing

During 6 months of play, pleasure & power you will…

  • Develop a consistent self-pleasure practice that becomes the key to your resilience, magnetism, genius creativity, ancestral healing & vivacious vitality 

  • Connect to the version of yourself who does not dismiss their feelings, but owns the multidimensionality of your shadow/light, humanity/divinity 

  • Experience new heights of pleasure & orgasm that will feel like you are meeting the Goddess/Goddex within 

  • Integrate the parts of yourself that hold fear, control, shame, and protection so that they no longer sabotage your big, bold, beautiful soul desires

  • Have the confidence & self worth to ask for what you want in the bedroom, make more money, share your creations unapologetically or whatever else supports you to sit in your throne as the Royal Sovereign you are. 

What’s included…

Twice a month 60-min guided group self pleasure practices

so that you can learn new ways to enhance your pleasure and build the muscle of creating sacred spaces just for YOU

valued at $500

Lifetime access to Pleasure Portal

my living library of quick & potent guided pleasure practices to have all the tools you need to overcome numbness, low libido, shame or being in your head when it comes to pleasure 

valued at $555

6x 60-min 1:1 coaching calls

so that you can have personalized support to transcend the ways you hold yourself back from your greatness

My coaching process includes an elixir of parts work, somatic integration, ontological coaching & energy healing. Trained by Accomplishment Coaching and Layla Martin’s VITA coaching method.

valued at $1500

Weekly chat-based check-ins

so that you can stay accountable on your journey with personalized guidance to move forward as the force you are

valued at $500

Sex positive community space

to share self-celebrations, what you are learning about yourself, and where you are getting stuck so that you are never alone in your journey 


Additional Bonuses:

  • Conscious Communication Guide 

  • 20 Spicy Intimacy Practices Guide

  • My Signature Shame Slaying Process 

  • Audio transmissions channelled from my Goddess within 

For 6 months, Audacity & Desire’s total value is over $8000

You pay $2888 or 6 payments of $485

explore the following themes:

total self love


audacious desire

shadow & shame slaying



bold voice

intimacy with others


  • I truly feel like a new person after working with erika in Audacity & Desire. i feel more at peace, more in flow, and I am experiencing more joy and pleasure in my life. I am seeing it positively impact my career and more...

  • I left with more empowerment and embodiment of the divine feminine, my authenticity and being able to share me transparently with the world.

  • this experience empowered me to be uniquely me without hesitation. It's given me the gift of presence to what is true to me in every moment and coming back to that

  • Erika is a brilliant facilitator and jam packed so much value into every session! I learned tools for communicating my needs and advocating for my desires while also feeling more safe in myself.

  • I recommend audacity and desire 1000% to anyone who wants a break through in feeling more at home in themselves so that they can also deepen intimacy with others

  • If you're looking for a way to deeply connect with your inner power so that you can show up in your life, business & relationships in a way that feels more aligned Erika is your girl! I'm so grateful

  • I have gained more confidence and trust within myself and in my business, but most importantly surrendering to the flow at which is life. You will not regret working with Erika!

  • erika has helped me to accept all parts of myself so that I may live my life with more authenticity and vibrancy.

  • Erika really practices what she preaches which I believe is a huge part of being a great leader.

  • a word I connected with this year is 'life-changing'... and that's definitely what these past 6 months have been like while working with erika

  • Erika is a safe container to explore all possibility, which is priceless and not all coaches provide that

Take a moment to ✨imagine

What would it be like

to wake up each morning feeling deeply connected to your power and purpose, despite your hectic schedule…

to no longer struggle with communication and expectations in your intimate relationships, but instead feel deeply seen and worshipped?

Picture yourself…

channeling your sexuality in a powerful & positive way, using it as a force for transformation…

experiencing ecstasy and pleasure beyond what you thought possible, using your body & breath to have psychedelic experiences, without taking any drugs…

Feel the sensation of unlocking new levels of pleasure and self-expression, leaving behind numbness, burnout & low libido

This outcome is not a fantasy. It’s a memory...

of a future that is inevitable for you if you desire it. Ready to speed this reality up and snap it into your now? 🧚🏻‍♀️✨

Hi! I’m Erika

aka the pleasure nymph

you can think of me like your fairy godmother, dedicated to empowering souls like you to live boldly, authentically and turned on. 


Four years ago, I was in your shoes. I was turning down my partner every time he wanted to be intimate - I loved him, but I just felt blocked and uninterested. It felt like there were wayyy more important things to do, but I also felt stuck in a cycle of burnout, striving for success but never feeling satisfied. Can you relate?

Eventually my partner came to me begging to initiate intimacy because he couldn’t stand feeling rejected anymore. 

The truth was, I had huge garbage bags of shame and unfelt emotions I was avoiding that was making me feel numb and like nothing was ever enough. Coming back into my body awakened my turn on and initiated a sexual awakening, which not only brought empowerment to the bedroom, but also every other area of my life. 

What I now know…

is that at some point we need to get out of our heads and trying to logic our way to healing, confidence and embracing life fully. The deepest sense of wholeness and personal power that I’ve experienced is through intimate connection to my body, energy and subconscious mind.

I want to create a container where you don’t have to do and think more you get to be present with yourself and allow your energy, pleasure, desire & intuition to take the lead. 

This is why I’ve created Audacity & Desire.

It blends sacred self-intimacy practices with powerful coaching, and your inner healing intelligence to help you

awaken your sexuality & claim the audacity to live into your highest pleasure, power & purpose.

Here’s how you know this experience is for you…

➡️ You may have tried to dedicate yourself to a personal pleasure practice, but find yourself held back by self-doubt and old patterns.

➡️ You are already successful in many areas of your life, but something feels missing—a deeper, more fulfilling connection to your own vitality and pleasure.

➡️ You have the desire to thrive in both your personal and professional life, but feel stuck in a cycle of exhaustion and routine.

➡️ If your demanding career leaves little time for nurturing intimacy and self-care, Audacity & Desire will help you prioritize your well-being while balancing professional success.

➡️ If stress levels from work affect your ability to connect emotionally and physically with your partner, join us to create more passionate & quality time together like you used to.

➡️ If difficulty expressing your needs and desires leads to misunderstandings and distance in your relationship, this program offers tools for open, honest communication and deeper connection.

➡️ If pressure to succeed professionally or meet societal expectations impacts your ability to relax and enjoy intimacy, Audacity & Desire provides a space to release expectations and reconnect with your unique pleasure.

➡️ If insecurities about your body affect your confidence and comfort in intimate situations, our supportive community and practices promote self-acceptance and confidence.

If any of the following has you feeling like I’m talking directly to YOU, I would absolutely LOVE to have you join us:

The pleasure and fulfillment you desire desires you back.

The deep intimacy and connection you crave desires you back.

The vibrant, empowered life you dream of desires you back.

It’s time to remember how powerful you are

Why now?

You're tired of routine intimacy, numbing out in life and suppressing your power.

It's time to lead from audacity & desire

with my 6-month coaching program curated exclusively for driven, soulful humans to thrive in both personal and professional realms…

where you'll be reminded that pleasure is your BIRTHRIGHT.

Fully-expressed sexuality is the key to feeling fully alive...

and profound intimacy with your whole being is why you're here.

Through the exploration of Sacred Sexuality and embracing total self-love, you'll unlock your greatest sexual potential...

Transforming into the confident, sensuous, magnetic, powerful and wise creative life force you were born to be


  • DM me on instagram @the.pleasure.nymph or email me and I can answer any of your Qs!

  • These sessions are designed to help you explore and expand your pleasure in a supportive group environment on Zoom. You can be on camera or off camera. Each session includes guided practices tailored to the monthly theme. You will explore breathwork, self touch, self love, mirror work, sensuality and more

  • The monthly themes will start to cycle in September 2024. You can enroll in Audacity & Desire at any time. If you join after September for at least 6 months, you will get access to all the previous month's guided group self pleasure ceremonies

  • All of the live calls will be recorded to indulge at your leisure and I know you will do what you can to be there live :)

    I will only record the guided practice, not anyone's personal shares.

  • Yes babe!! Exploring your sexuality starts with YOU and creating a relationship with your personal pleasure. This journey is so much more than what goes on in the bedroom. Plus, you can save all the goodies you learn and be a royal sovereign when you’re ready to explore with others ;)

  • Bobbi Karg took the photos of me :)

  • Unfortunately, I have not met any woman or nonbinary human who has not experienced some level of sexual trauma. Many of us carry ancestral trauma as well. I am a trauma-informed coach, but I am not a trauma expert. Natural healing will occur as a part of this program, but if you have experienced intense sexual trauma, I ask that you work with a trauma expert before, or in addition to working with me. If you want to chat more about your specific history, include this information in your application and I will follow up for a conversation.